How to eat properly and avoid health problems during the holy month of Ramadan

13:02 - 18.05.2018

How to eat properly and avoid health problems during the holy month of Ramadan
Within one month the conditions of food and life of the body are changing much. During this period the poor nutrition can lead to a number of health problems.
Excess weight
Despite the fact that there are different attitudes towards problems of excess weight during Ramadan, cases of weight increasing are observed in this period in most of cases. After long fasting, excessive eating of high-calorie food, especially foods containing carbohydrates and sugar, can lead to weight increasing. Therefore, it is recommended to eat such products in small quantities.
Stress and nervousness
Because of hunger and thirst, which last for 17 hours, the human body becomes vulnerable and is under stress, which affects our mood adversely. It is necessary to pay attention to the food and liquid consumed during iftar and, in particular, to sukhur.
Chronic diseases
If people suffering from chronic diseases do not pay attention to their diet, their diseases can worsen and even become more complicated. People suffering from hypertension, diabetes, immunodeficiency, having problems with kidneys, may have problems with nutrition. Chronic patients and persons taking drugs in this regard should certainly consult a doctor before fasting.
Change of the form of food, increased consumption of sugar and protein instead of fibrous food causes constipation. Taking this into account, during Ramadan, it is necessary to eat fruits, vegetables and legumes.
Prolonged fasting and thirst, lack of certain foods, and excessive consumption of such foods as tea or coffee can cause headaches.
Minimal consumption of liquid and liquid dishes, sweating in hot weather can cause large loss of liquid and dehydration. Such persons will have dry mouth, thickening of saliva, headache.
Insufficient or improper nutrition can lead to a decrease in blood sugar levels. In particular, the sugar that is stored in the body, closer to the iftar is also reduced, that can cause dizziness, fatigue and sweating.
Digestive disorder
Fatty and high-calorie foods are the cause of serious digestive disorders.
In order to stay cheerful during the whole month of Ramadan, proper nutrition during imsak is of great importance.
How to eat during imsak?
Your diet should include milk and milk products, fruits and vegetables, corn-based foods. Be sure to eat eggs. The protein-rich eggs, cheese, milk and dairy products will ensure your continued saturation. Since fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals, their use is very important. Grain-based products help meet energy needs of the whole body, especially the brain.
Be sure to drink 3-4 cups of water. Thus, it will be possible to prevent electrolyte imbalance in the body, not receiving the liquid for a long time. Milk, fruits and vegetables will also help to meet the body's water needs. Try to use as little tea and coffee as possible during imsak because of their diuretic nature.
Try not to take salty, spicy and sweet foods. Salty and spicy foods make you thirsty, and refined sweet foods - hunger.
Do not diminish the value of eating during imsak, be sure to get up for imsak and take the necessary food. Taking into account that you will remain without food for a long time, take the daily norm of food.
Try not to miss suhur!
How should I eat during iftar?
Let’s start iftar with light dishes. Do not hurry when eating. The use of large amounts of fatty and heavy food leads to fatigue of the body, which begins to work at full strength after a long fasting. Such kind of non-systemic food can cause sudden fatigue and digestive disorders after eating. The excessive eating causes a sudden rise in the blood sugar levels and fatigue. Taking this into account, divide the iftar into two parts, and eat in two meals.
Let’s start iftar with dates or olives, drinking them with one glass of warm water. Thus, you will be able to prepare your stomach for eating, which remained without it for 17 hours. After soup and vegetable salad, wait a little and then transfer to the main dish. This helps us feel the moment of saturation and regulate blood sugar levels in time.
Be careful when taking such products as bread, pilaf and pasta. You can eat dishes cooked in vegetable oil, legumes, meat and vegetable soups, yogurt, ayran, fruit juices, light milk sweets.
At least in 1-2 hours after the main course, you can eat a mixed fruit salad, fruit yogurt or a handful of walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts or a portion of milk or fruit sweets.
Try to drink at least 2 liters of liquid between iftar and imsak. To avoid loss of water and electrolyte during Ramadan, except water, take fresh fruit juices, milk, ayran, soups and compotes.
Patients suffering from hypertension, as well as persons prone to swelling, should avoid fatty, salty and spicy food. During iftar such patients should avoid sweets, pastries, flour and other foods rich in carbohydrates. It can also lead to a rapid increase in appetite and weight gain. Also try not to take salted, dried and sausage products.
Physical activity during Ramadan:
In 1-1. 5 hours after iftar, walk at least for 30 minutes. Perform physical movements between iftar and imsak.
Don't start iftar with smoking! So, your sensitive-after-hunger metabolism can react like a bomb ready to explode at any minute. Those who start iftar with a cigarette may experience a sudden heart attack, infarct. Be careful in such matters.
May Allah accept your fasting and your prayers.

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