Vitamin D against diabetes

17:29 - 14.05.2018

Diabetes is spreading with the rapidity of an epidemic.

This “growing younger” disease and, in particular, the rapid increase of its spread among children have become the cause of the agenda of the World Health Organization.

What are the signs of diabetes?

1. Thirst;

2. Frequent urination;

3. Weight loss;

4. Urinary tract infection;

5. Blurred vision;

6. Itch;

7. Apathy;

8. Dry skin and dryness of the mouth;

9. Numbness of the feet.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease that occurs as a result of decrease in insulin synthesis or decrease in the sensitivity of the body to insulin. Diabetes, which occurs as a result of decrease in insulin synthesis or its absence, is called Type 1 diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes. Diabetes, resulting from decrease in the sensitivity to insulin is called Type 2 diabetes or insulin-independent diabetes.

Normally, insulin, delivering to the tissues the excess glucose (sugar), entering in the body with food or formed as a result of metabolism, participates in the consumption of energy exchange or, in the case of stock, - in its accumulation. In case of the absence or reduction of insulin, glucose in the blood reaches a toxic (harmful) level and begins to damage the tissues and organs.

Various studies have been conducted to prevent diabetes or its complications. In recent years, attention has focused on vitamin D. It has become known that, in particular, vitamin D deficiency plays the main role in the formation of Type 2 diabetes and its complications.

As a result of a large-scale study conducted by American program National Health & Nutrition Examination (NHANES) it was proved a direct link between vitamin D and neuropathy, that is a serious complication of diabetes.

The attention of scientists was attracted by discovery of a special VDR-receptor in the pancreas.  It is assumed that vitamin D increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin, prevents the formation of insulin resistance.

According to another theory, there is a direct link between vitamin D deficiency and obesity. And obesity is a major risk factor for diabetes.

Vitamin D level below 20 ng/ml in 74% of cases leads to metabolic syndrome! And metabolic syndrome is one of the main causes of diabetes. Thus, metabolic syndrome disrupts metabolism, in particular, carbohydrate metabolism, increases weight and blood pressure.

Studies conducted by Finnish specialists prove that the level of vitamin D in newborns below 19 ng/ml leads to the formation of Type 1 diabetes. It has also been proved that after vitamin D in a therapeutic dose was administered to 12 000 newborns, whose vitamin D level was below 19 ng/ml, the risk of diabetes significantly decreased.

Vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women can also lead to serious pathologies such as gestational diabetes or diabetes in pregnant women.

What should be done in this case?

If you suffer from excessive weight, be sure to determine the level of vitamin D in your blood!

If you complain of dry mouth, thirst, frequent urge to urinate, be sure to consult your doctor!

If you are rapidly recovering or, conversely, lose weight, check your blood sugar level!

Sunbathe in summer, and in winter drink preparations containing vitamin D (only on prescription)!

Be sure to add to your daily diet foods rich in vitamin D: fish, caviar, fish oil, eggs, milk and dairy products, mushrooms, potatoes, etc.



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