What to do with the first symptoms of a blood-stroke?

15:06 - 11.05.2018

The first 4-6 hours are very important in case of insult to the brain...

Lately, a blood stroke is one of the most common diseases...

What is a stroke? What are its signs and causes? And what should be done to provide first aid?

A stroke is a severe disease, due to acute circulatory disorders of the brain, leading to disability and death. Patients with stroke can be found in public transport, in crowded places, on the street – everywhere. If the patient with a stroke is given necessary medical care during the first 4-6 hours, there is a possibility of his full recovery.

The first symptoms of a stroke patient may be similar to the actions of a drunk person. However, uneven gait, falling and slurred speech are not always signs of intoxication, so you should be very careful. If you see such a person, ask him about something - he will hardly be able to give a clear answer to your question; ask him to smile - one side of his face will remain rigid.

If you notice such signs in someone, immediately call an ambulance!!!

Arterial hypertension, high blood cholesterol, diabetes, Smoking, excess weight can lead to stroke.

How to prevent a blood-stroke?

If you are diagnosed with "hypertension", strictly observe the prescribed treatment, a diet and regimen. Measure your blood pressure regularly. If the treatment has no effect, inform your doctor!

Check your blood cholesterol at least once a year.

Monitor blood sugar levels, take medication prescribed by your doctor timely, and follow a diet.

Try to lose weight - replace fatty and salty food with fruits and vegetables. Compensate the need for proteins by low-fat dairy products, fish and chicken.


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