What is cataract? Signs, treatment and prevention of cataract

16:42 - 23.05.2018

About cataract


Cataract is a disease that leads to the opacity of the crystalline lens of the eye, located behind the pupil, which plays an important role in vision, as well as to the gradual loss of vision. In Greek "cataract" means "waterfall". The ancient Greeks believed that the cloudy gray color of the pupil, arising from cataract, is associated with a film that obscures the pupil in the form of a waterfall and weakens vision. The cataract patient looks at the world through the so-called "dirty window". At the last stage of the disease, the color of the eye acquires a pearl color, and therefore people often call cataract "pearl water".

As an age-related disease, cataract occurs mainly in persons above middle age. But in addition, cataract can be observed in newborns, patients with diabetes, in persons who have been injured in the eye area, as well as in patients who have been treated with cortisol for a long time.

Signs of cataract:

* Gradual deterioration of vision

* Increased light sensitivity (photophobia)

* Split eyes

* Difficulty reading

* Night vision impairment

* Colors are perceived as pale or yellowish

* Visible spots in front of eyes

* Frequent change of diopters for optical glasses

Depending on which part of the lens clouding begins, some changes may experience in the disease. So, if the turbidity is in the center of the lens (nuclear cataract), then myopia develops, objects differ fuzzy. Such patients see better in the evening hours than in the afternoon.

If the opacity is localized in the cortex of the lens (cortical cataract), the vision is almost unchanged. In such cases, the disease progresses very slowly.

Cataract in newborns (congenital cataract) can occur from infections suffered by the mother during pregnancy or in connection with medicines taken, and without any apparent reason. Different pupils or strabismus in a newborn may be a sign of cataract. If such signs are found in a child, you should immediately consult a doctor. If there is deterioration of vision, or in particular, in one eye there is a cataract, an urgent operation should be performed. The urgency of the operation is important due to the risk of "lazy eye" (amblyopia).

To diagnose cataracts, standard methods of ophthalmological examination (visual acuity, visual field, intraocular pressure, fundus), as well as additional methods (refractometry, ophthalmometry, densiometry, etc.) are used.

Cataract is not treated with drugs and wearing glasses. There are also no ways to prevent development of cataracts. A surgery is the only kind of treatment.

Currently the cataract is removed without injections, anesthesia and pain.





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