Import of livestock products from Russia that failed to pass inspection to be banned

12:01 - 2.06.2023

June 2, Fineko/ Russian producers supplying livestock products to Azerbaijan may lose this opportunity after September 1, 2023, if they do not pass the inspection of the Azerbaijan Institute of Food Safety, according to Rosselkhoznadzor.

ABC.AZ reports that Rosselkhoznadzor held talks with representatives of the Azerbaijan Food Safety Agency (AQTA). During negotiations the parties discussed the matters relating to the entry into force of the Law on Food Safety in the republic. In accordance with this, foreign enterprises for the production of animal products and feed, interested in supplies to the Azerbaijani market, must undergo inspections organized by the Azerbaijan Institute of Food Safety. The checks are planned both in mobile and in video format.

"The Agency expressed concern that many Russian organizations supplying livestock products to Azerbaijan have not yet signed a contract for inspections with the Institute. If enterprises do not conclude a contract by September 1, 2023, the Azerbaijani side will impose restrictions on the export of their products until the contract is concluded and the appropriate verification is carried out," Rosselkhoznadzor says.