Legion Financial bonds included in the listing

16:16 - 6.06.2023

June 6, Fineko/abc.az. By the decision of the Listing Committee of the Baku Stock Exchange (BSE), the bonds of the LMP BSE participant Legion Financial LLC for a total amount of 500,000 manats are included in the standard market segment.

ABC.AZ reports with reference to the BSE that the number of interest-bearing, unsecured, undocumented bonds is 500, nominal value - 1,000 manats, the annual interest rate - 15%, circulation term – 1,800 calendar days.

The placement underwriter is investment company AzFinance CJSC.

The bond issue prospectus can be found on the BSE web page in Issuer Profile section (https://www.bfb.az/az/emitentler).