Public hospitals under renovation

11:20 - 28.02.2024

February 28, Fineko/ The Center for Innovation & Supply has announced a tender procedure for the purchase of Reconstruction Works (Stage I) of the main administrative building, an additional building and auxiliary premises of the Republican Clinical Hospital named after Academician Mirgasimov.

ABC.AZ informs that the tender fee is 2,969.59 manats, and the usage fee is 25 manats.

The Republican Clinical Hospital named after M.A.Mirgasimov began its activity in 1961. The hospital, in addition to providing multidisciplinary, specialized, inpatient, advisory, planned care to the population and medical institutions of cities of republican subordination and rural areas, was the basis of organizational and methodological work of the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan. The hospital was also one of the leading medical institutions obliged to provide assistance in the organizational and methodological work of the republican medical and preventive departments.