Artificial land plots in Caspian Sea not to interfere to navigation

14:56 - 15.04.2024

April 15, Fineko/ Artificial land plots for construction purposes will be created in the part of the Caspian Sea belonging to the Republic of Azerbaijan.

ABC.AZ reports that this is stated in the Bill on the creation of artificial land plots in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea submitted to Milli Majlis.

The document defines the forms and requirements for the creation of artificial land plots.

New artificial land plots in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea will not pose a danger and hinder navigation.

According to the document, land plots should not impede or pose a threat to navigation. The creation of such land plots will be prohibited.

It is also prohibited to create an artificial land plot without an environmental impact assessment (EIA) document approved by the state environmental expertise.