Measures are needed to upgrade motor vehicle fleet - Tamiz Shahar

12:52 - 6.12.2024

 December 6, Fineko/ It is necessary to take measures to upgrade the automobile fleet in Azerbaijan.

ABC.AZ informs, quoting Mirza Lachinov, thre department head at Tamiz Shahar (Clean City).

"On average, more than 1,600 road accidents occur annually, resulting in an increasing number of out-of-service vehicles. According to statistics for 2023, only up to 15% of our country's transport fleet consisted of cars with a production life of up to 10 years. This figure has led to measures aimed at upgrading the transport fleet," he said.

Lachinov added that the State Road Safety Program 2019-2023, endorsed by the presidential decree from December 27, 2018, envisages preparation and fulfilment of a vehicle recycling program: "In accordance with Paragraph of the Action Plan of the State Program, three main directions of the Program are outlined. Among them are improving road safety, improving the environmental situation, and stimulating the domestic automotive industry. Up to 15 governmental agencies and institutions, including relevant specialists and experts, participated in development of the Program, and experience of a range of countries was studied. In addition, in connection with the Program, new provisions were added to the current legislation, and in total, amendments and additions were made to more than 10 legislative acts."