Zeytun Pharmaceuticals to sell medicines for 286 million manats

17:16 - 26.12.2024

December 26, Fineko/abc.az. The Center for Health Care has announced the results of the tender procedure on purchase of medicines and other medical supplies and related services (if applicable) used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of epidermolysis ichthyosis and bullosis.

ABC.AZ informs that the tender winner is Zeytun Pharmaceuticals LLC. A contract for  286,330,257 manats was signed with it.

Zeytun Pharmaceuticals was established in 2014 with authorized capital of 4,000 manats.

The legal representative of the company is Bahruz Shiraliyev. Legal address: 21C, Oktaya Veliyev Str., Nizami district, Baku.